Small wins vs big wins

Glen Long
2 min readDec 1, 2022

Audience-building for online course creators

Photo by Wesley Eland on Unsplash

Building an audience isn’t the only way to find buyers for your online course, but it is one of the most reliable.

Here’s one way to think about the “how”:

If you give people enough “small wins” for free, one day they’ll trust you to deliver a bigger win for a fee.

A small win just means they’re glad they gave you their time and attention in exchange for whatever you gave them.

The small win could be:

  • A tip, tool or tactic to make life easier
  • A fresh perspective on a familiar topic
  • A shot of encouragement or inspiration
  • An interesting story or analogy

And that’s exactly what I aim to do with this newsletter every week — deliver a small win to your inbox.

A big win, on the other hand, is a meaningful and lasting result that requires more time and attention.

(In fact, exactly the kind of result an online course can deliver.)

But to deliver a big win, you first need to earn the opportunity.

If you want to build an audience for your (future) course, what small wins could you deliver first?

See you soon,


If you’re curious (or getting serious) about course creation but hate all the hype, take a look at my newsletter, The Art of Course Creation.



Glen Long

Surprisingly hype-free course creation mentor and trainer. Publishes The Art of Course Creation newsletter and runs the Build Your Best Course online program.